
Reiki is a non-invasive healing modality from
Japan, born from Shintoist and Buddhist practices.
A treatment may feel like an induced meditation,
meanwhile transmitting harmony, recalibrating on
physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. It may
be channeled for objects, relationships, and places,
as well as for individuals.

Maya Stewart Pathak
has studied reiki devotedly since 2016, certified
through the Gendai lineage at the Rock Store
in Toronto under Lady Samantha Chin, where she
completed Shoden (level 1), Okuden (level 2),  
and Shinpiden (level 3).
She graduated her final training with Lisa Levine
through Maha Rose. Her daily practice blends
and honours the two lineages.
She has assisted with reiki trainings and has held
workshops in New York, and currently offers
mini treatments during her yoga classes
as well as full-length treatments online
in-person à docimile or at Vsquare in Montréal.

Maya was drawn to spirituality through her family,
most keenly by her Hindu grandfather. She has
studied and taught yoga, including hatha, vinyasa,
and yin, professonally for almost a decade,
aiming to nurture suppleness and connectivity
with one’s body.
